It is full of cathedrals. It is funny because the catholics are always doing their sign of the cross when they pass a church. They must get tired of doing it some days since there seems to be a church at every corner.
I went inside of this one (above). It was really sad inside. Huge and goddy. The people that come to the Kingdom Hall after going to the churches probably wonder if they are at the right place. The Kingdom Hall is nothing like the religious buildings that they are used to seeing.
This place just opened up this month. I don't know why but I had an urge to go and check it out. lol The menu is not the same of course since it isn't a REAL Mc Donald's. I didn't end up eating there since the prices were almost the same and the McD's in the States. Too expensive for my blood. However, I will probably get another urge to go and get something to eat. They had a Hawian Burger that looked pretty good.
Facultad de Idiomas
Language University
So this is my new school. I will taking Quechua classes here Mon, Tues, and Thurs nights starting in a week and a half. I will have to take some pictures of the inside. I won't quite call it beautiful inside but definitely unique.
I think that it is weird that this cathedral has three different size bells. The smallest is on top.
This monument is in the center of town square. I should have read the sign to see what it stood for...but monuments are all over. So I have just gotten used to seeing them. At this one there are benches that encircle in and crazy pigeons that fly into you as you walk by. Haha!
This poor little girl is getting reading for busy Sunday. She sells seeds to feed the pigeons.
One of the governmental buildings that is facing the main town square.
This is the weirdest door knocker that I have ever seen. And, of course, it was on a church.
I studied with one of my students at this little plaza on one of the benches.
Well this is the end of the tour. There are a lot more places that I wish that I could show you but there is just not enough time to download all the pictures. You will just have to visit. :)
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